Germany - Baden-Wuerttemberg - sights

Heidelberg - Place in front of the Old University

Place in front of the Old University in Heidelberg

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The Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg (that's the correct full name) is the oldest university in what is nowadays Germany. It was founded in 1386 by the palatine Ruprecht I. The building of the old university (in the photo at right) was erected in 1711. It holds the museum of the university and the former "students' prison" (also a museum): The festive hall of the old university is especially interesting, since it is a famous example of Heidelberg baroque.

University museum and students' prison open daily except Mondays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m (in the winter to 4 p.m)

There are several other museums and a botanical garden that belong to the university. Information at Tel No. +49-6221-543593 and at

Photos of Heidelberg's inner city (click for more information):

Town Hall and Market Place Heiliggeistkirche (Holy Ghost Church) Place in front of the Old University Gate of the Old Bridge Sculpture of the palatine Karl Theodor on the Old Bridge Restaurant in Leyer Lane Jacobs Lane Library of the University Kornmarkt Kurpfälzisches Museum An old citizen's house in Merianstreet View of the city from the castle

More information about Heidelberg: